FAST – Fitness and speed training.
FAST is a speed and fitness training program designed and developed by LVIS.
We focus on various elements of sports training, skill, agility and conditioning. Everything in the program will benefit your child’s performance in all sports. We work on increasing reaction times, improving balance and coordination. All the key elements needed to succeed. These skills can give your child the edge he/she needs to take the sport they love to the next level. Developing fast twitch muscle fibers at an early age can really benefit your child long term. We simulate defensive and attacking speed drills and practice changing direction at a fast pace whilst keeping coordinated footwork, correct positioning and angles.
When does FAST start?
FAST starts on October 10th and the first 2 sessions will be FREE for all age groups.
FREE TRIAL SESSIONS Starting from the 10th of Oct
Check the schedule below
8-10 year old Thursdays 6 pm Free on the 13th and the 20th
11-13 year old Tuesday 6 pm Free on the 11th and the 18th
14-17 year old Friday 5pm Free on the 14th and the 21st
If you miss a session or can’t make it. NOT A PROBLEM. We will be hosting make up classes every Sunday 8 am.
$99 for 9 weeks. First 100 sign up’s will receive a free t-shirt.
Official start date is the 25th October 2016